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Easy Chocolate Orange Brownies

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(This post has been updated from the original December 2016 version to provide a better experience for you)

Looking for an indulgent dessert? Need something that’s super easy but guaranteed to impress? These outrageously luxurious chocolate orange brownies are exactly that and more! Made in just 35 minutes using only one bowl. Trust me, your loved ones will be begging you for this Terry’s chocolate orange brownies recipe! Read on to learn how to make them…

Close up of Terry's chocolate orange brownies in a stack

Easy chocolate orange brownies

A few years back, I spent a long time developing the perfect fudgy brownie recipe. It was a headache, for sure. But my oh my, were the results worth it!

It had to be easy to make. They had to be fudgy, and they had to taste amazing.

The result? Brownies made in only 1 bowl. With a rich and decadent chocolate flavour, a satisfyingly crispy top and a SERIOUSLY fudgy middle. They were perfection. I was so proud!

Ever since then, I’ve used it as a base recipe to create other brownie flavours. These chocolate orange brownies were a natural evolution!

Using Terry’s Chocolate Orange segments with zingy orange zest, these glorious fudgy orange brownies will never disappoint.

Someone taking fudgy orange brownies off a plate

What makes a brownie more fudgy?

The short answer is: fat. A higher fat content yields a more fudgy brownie. Those that use real chocolate and add it straight into the batter, tend to be brilliantly fudgy. Those that opt for purely cocoa powder instead? They’re usually cakey brownies.

Someone taking a Terry's chocolate orange brownie off the top of a stack

Why does chocolate orange taste so good?

Chocolate and orange are a perfect pairing. But why?

Well – that sharp, zesty orange perfectly cuts through rich fatty chocolate. Then they have a giant flavour party in your mouth!

There’s no chocolate orange treat that tastes bad! It’s a winning combo, every time. There’s chocolate orange cheesecake, chocolate orange caramel shortbread and even chocolate orange cake. They’re all just bloomin’ fantastic!

Partially eaten Terry's chocolate orange brownies on a plate with a fork

What is the secret of a good brownie?

In my opinion, the secret of a good brownie is using real chocolate. Brownies that only use cocoa powder end up being cakey and a bit rubbish. But brownies that have proper chocolate right there in the batter, are gloriously fudgy and utterly divine!

Make no mistake, the key in getting this trick to work is quality. Use a high quality dark chocolate and you really can’t go wrong.

Chocolate orange brownies on a plate with a napkin

Ingredients and substitutions

Confused about what ingredients to buy? Not sure about a substitution? Here’s everything that you need to know…

  • Butter – Unsalted is always best in baking. It gives you full control of the salt content. I usually say buy a good quality butter as you will taste it in the end result – but actually, the chocolate is the dominant flavour here. So it doesn’t really matter in this recipe.
  • Chocolate – Good quality dark chocolate is key here! You will absolutely taste it in the finished product. Buy the best you can afford and get at least 60%.
  • Eggs – I use free range organic eggs, but any you have will do. Just make sure they’re not tiny ones, as this may affect the balance of ingredients.
  • Sugar – My favourite is golden caster sugar but regular caster sugar will work well too. (Use super fine sugar in the US)
  • Orange – We only use the zest in this recipe. So make sure you get a nice big orange with a good skin. You can always enjoy the spare juice with breakfast. Waste not want not!
  • Salt – Table salt is absolutely fine here. No need to get fancy.
  • Flour – Plain (all purpose) flour is what is needed. Don’t substitute for other flours as it will definitely affect the outcome.
  • Cocoa Powder – Make sure you use a proper cocoa powder and not drinking chocolate. Drinking chocolate has added sugars and will make your brownies too sweet.
  • Terry’s Chocolate Orange – There aren’t really any substitutions here. It’s got to be the real deal! It might be a good idea to buy them when they’re on offer, to save a few pennies.
A stack of chocolate orange brownies

Recipe tips and troubleshooting

Here are some tips you’ll find helpful when making this recipe.

  • Read through the whole recipe before you begin. I promise it will minimise unnecessary mistakes!
  • Weigh and prepare your ingredients before starting. You will flow through the recipe with no stop/starts. Making it easier and stress free!
  • Buy the best dark chocolate you can afford. It will really affect the resulting flavour.
  • It’s better to slightly undercook brownies than overcook them. If the top is crisp, it’s done. Remove it from the oven.
  • Allow your chocolate orange brownies to cool completely before attempting to remove from the tin and slice. Just trust me here, it won’t end well if you don’t!
  • Turn your Terry’s chocolate orange brownies into beautiful homemade gifts! Simply stack in cellophane bags (or greaseproof paper lined cardboard boxes for a more eco friendly version) and tie with curling ribbon.

Need more of a helping hand? Check out baking for beginners. You’ll gain knowledge, confidence and some awesome freebies!

Chocolate orange brownies on a plate with orange slices

Time management

Have limited time? Struggle with recipe timings? Or juggling around other things? Here’s some time managing info to make your life easier.

  • It will take you about 15 minutes to prepare these chocolate orange brownies for the oven.
  • They take approximately 20 minutes to bake.
  • Your brownies will need at least 2 hours to completely cool. (Perhaps a little less in the Winter months and longer in the Summer months.)
  • Brownies freeze well for up to 1 month. Make sure you wrap them well and thoroughly defrost before consuming.
Someone forking Fudgy orange brownies on a plate

If you like this recipe…

…you might also like:

Chocolate Orange Brownies – Step by Step Picture Recipe

(For a printer friendly version, see the recipe card at the end of this post)


Here is what you will need to make 16

  • 250g Terry’s Chocolate Orange, divided
  • 110g (1/2 Cup) Unsalted Butter, room temperature
  • 110g (3.9 oz) Dark Chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 2 Eggs, room temperature
  • 225g (1 + 1/8 Cup) Golden Caster Sugar
  • Zest of 1 x Orange
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract or Paste
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 60g (1/2 Cup) Plain/All Purpose Flour
  • 2 tbsp Cocoa Powder

Essential equipment

  • 20cm (8″) Square Baking Tin
  • Large Microwavable Bowl
  • Spatula
  • Sieve


Lightly grease and line the base and two sides of your baking tin and preheat your oven to 180ºC/Fan 170ºC/356ºF.

Leave 16 Terry’s Chocolate Orange segments to one side and roughly chop the rest. Set aside until needed.

Then cube the butter (110g | 1/2 Cup) and place it into a large microwavable mixing bowl. Add the broken dark chocolate (110g | 3.9 oz) in too.

Broken chocolate and cubed butter in a glass bowl

Heat in the microwave in 10 second intervals, making sure you mix well after each time. Continue until it’s fully melted.

Melted butter and chocolate in a mixing bowl

Next, beat in the eggs (x 2) one at a time. Ensure that they are fully incorporated before moving on to the next step.

Melted chocolate, butter and egg in a mixing bowl

Time to add in the sugar (225g | 1 + 1/8 Cup). Weigh it into the bowl and mix thoroughly. When you’re done, it should no longer feel grainy on the bottom of the bowl.

Melted butter, chocolate, egg and sugar in a mixing bowl

Next, add in the zest (of 1 x orange), vanilla (1 tsp) and salt (1/4 tsp). Mix well to evenly distribute throughout the batter.

Orange zest being added to brownie batter in a bowl

Now sieve the plain flour (60g | 1/2 Cup) and cocoa powder (2 tbsp) straight into the batter. Gently fold through, until you can no longer see any streaks.

Flour and cocoa powder being added to brownie batter

Those roughly chopped Terry’s Chocolate Orange segments you put to one side earlier? Tip them all into the batter and briefly mix through.

Terry's Chocolate Orange segments being added to brownie batter

Now smooth the batter out as best as you can in your prepared tin.

Oh, the 2 pegs? Yeah… I’m a lazy liner. The pegs stop the baking paper from falling onto my brownies mid-bake! (Because I don’t have time in my life to line all 4 sides!)

Chocolate orange brownie batter in a lined tin

Now take those whole chocolate orange segments you set aside earlier, and press them into the top.

I like to make sure each portion gets a segment – so I lay them out as per the below picture.

Terry's chocolate orange segments pressed into the top of brownie batter in a lined tin

Finally, bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes. The top should be nice and crisp.

Remember it’s better to slightly under cook brownies than over cook them. So if you’re not sure – just take them out.

Baked chocolate orange brownies in a lined tin

And now for the hardest part… you need to leave your chocolate orange brownies in the tin, and allow to cool completely. Yep. Completely. Otherwise you will land yourself in a right Royal mess!

When cooled, slice into 16 pieces and enjoy!

Chocolate orange brownies in a stack with orange slices in the background

How to store Terry’s Chocolate Orange brownies

Store your fudgy orange brownies in an airtight metal tin at room temperature. Don’t use plastic! Plastic makes sugar sweat, and this can have all kinds of negative effects on your bakes. Instead, line a metal tin with baking paper and use that instead.

Chocolate orange brownies are best consumed within 1 week.

Terry's chocolate orange brownies on stacked plates with a blue napkin

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Close up of Terry's chocolate orange brownies in a stack. A text overlay says "chocolate orange brownies"
Close up of Terry's chocolate orange brownies in a stack

Easy Chocolate Orange Brownies - Printable Recipe

Yield: 16
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes

These outrageously luxurious chocolate orange brownies are rich, fudgy and CRAZY easy to make! Guaranteed to make your loved ones say WOW...


  • 250g Terry’s Chocolate Orange, divided
  • 110g (1/2 Cup) Unsalted Butter, room temperature/cubed
  • 110g (3.9 oz) Dark Chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 2 Eggs, room temperature
  • 225g (1 + 1/8 Cup) Golden Caster Sugar
  • Zest of 1 x Orange
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract or Paste
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 60g (1/2 Cup) Plain/All Purpose Flour
  • 2 tbsp Cocoa Powder

Essential Equipment

  • 20cm (8″) Square Baking Tin
  • Large Microwavable Bowl
  • Spatula
  • Sieve


  1. Grease and line the base and sides of your baking tin and preheat the oven to 180ºC/Fan 170ºC/356ºF. Set 16 Terry's Chocolate Orange segments to one side for decoration, and roughly chop the rest. Add the butter and dark chocolate into a large bowl. Heat in 10 second intervals, stirring well each time, until fully melted.
  2. One at a time, beat in the eggs until fully incorporated.
  3. Add the sugar and mix thoroughly. Until the bottom if the bowl no longer feel grainy when you stir.
  4. Then mix through the orange zest, vanilla and salt.
  5. Next, sieve the flour and cocoa powder into the batter. Fold through gently, until no more flour streaks remain.
  6. Add the roughly chopped Terry's Chocolate Orange pieces and mix through the batter. Terry's Chocolate Orange segments being added to brownie batterno-pin="true”
  7. Smooth the mixture into your lined tin and top with the 16 whole Terry's Chocolate Orange segments. (Bear in mind where you will be slicing when you do this)
  8. Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 mins, until the top is crispy. Allow to cool completely before taking out the tin and slicing.


Store your chocolate orange brownies in a greaseproof paper lined metal tin, at room temperature. Best eaten within 1 week.

See the main post for a more detailed, step by step picture recipe.

Be sure to read the sections Ingredients and Substitutions, Recipe Tips and Troubleshooting and Time Management for lots of helpful information before you begin making this recipe. You can find them in the main body of this post.

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As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 16 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 255Total Fat: 13gSaturated Fat: 8gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 4gCholesterol: 42mgSodium: 60mgCarbohydrates: 32gFiber: 1gSugar: 26gProtein: 3g

Nutritional information on should only be used as a general guideline, I am not a certified nutritionist. Please always check labels for allergens where applicable.

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Have you made these stunning chocolate orange brownies? I’d love to know if you have! Tag me in your pics on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or email me at

Other tasty chocolate orange recipes

About Emma Mason

Emma is a professional blogger. Utilising over 20 years of cooking experience, she’s passionate about making your life easier, one recipe at a time! Drawing on her 12+ year background in recipe research and development, photography, copy writing and marketing, Emma has turned into a successful career. Known as ‘the organisation queen’ among friends, she is passionate about creating easy to follow recipes that anyone can follow and enjoy. She lives in Nottingham (UK) with her husband, daughter and 2 naughty cats. In her spare time she can be found reading a good book, training at the dojo preparing for her black belt grading, or dreaming up the next crazy colour combo for her hair!

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Friday 18th of September 2020

I wanted to ask whether the dark chocolate is mandatory or can we use milk chocolate?


Friday 18th of September 2020

Hi Rebecca! Even if you don’t like eating dark chocolate I would still highly recommend using it in these brownies. If you use milk chocolate the brownies will be far too sweet. Dark chocolate gives the right balance of flavour - but don’t worry, they don’t taste like dark chocolate at all. Emma x

Dionne Edwards

Saturday 21st of January 2017

I have just made these & oh my gosh are they gorgeous!!! So soft & gooey

Miss KitchenMason

Saturday 21st of January 2017

Yay! Glad you like them! They're one of my faves too :)

dionne edwards

Wednesday 11th of January 2017

OMG I am definitely going to try this recipe!! My partner gets the Mars Bar Oat Bars every other week & Brownies the opposite week....he will love these

Miss KitchenMason

Wednesday 11th of January 2017

I LOVE chocolate orange! They make a lovely change from regular brownies too - I'm sure he will love them :)

Gary Lum

Sunday 4th of December 2016

OMG I love Terry's chocolate orange. They are the best.

Miss KitchenMason

Monday 5th of December 2016

Me too Gary!!

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